After 55,000+ WSO Transactions, This is What I Have Discovered:
I think this is too low to attract the ‘heavy-hitting’ affiliates who bring in the most traffic. At prices this low it’s hard to get decent EPCs, so affiliates shy away. $7-$12 @ 100% Commission: This seems to be a ‘sweet spot’ for the purpose of lead generation to a broader audience with a wide appeal topic like Traffic Generation. Consistently a $7-$9.95 price point with a dimesale works really well when offering 100% commissions to affiliates. $17 @ 75%-100% Commission: This price is too low to hit big profit numbers, and too high for optimum lead gen. With ONE Exception... Lead generation for a SMART buyer (such as Product Creators or List Builders). I’ve found these sophisticated audiences tend to be more willing to pay a $17 asking price for more specialist topics. To make this work though generous commissions are key. $17 @ 50% commission is no good, its less attractive than $8.50 @ 100%. Same $ per sale, but weaker conversions expected at that price point. So you want to be in the 75% to 100% region at the $17 price range. $27 @ 60%-75% Commission: This is a better balance of profit and lead gen… You will sacrifice lead gen in a big way compared to lower prices, but you can make solid profits at this price point, and still get a respectable number of buyer leads. $37-$47 @ 50%-75% Commission: I believe this is the ‘sweet spot’ if the goal is overall front end profit for a WSO launch… and tiered pricing will make a big difference here to maximize conversions AND leads (I'll get onto that in a minute). 60% is a good commission to offer at these prices. $67 or $97 @ 50%-60% Commission: These price points get good EPCs (when done right) BUT... At these higher price points it becomes increasingly tough to convert in the WSO market and the 'amount' of product you need to justify the price tag can become a point of diminishing returns. The value of products selling at this price could often be sold for $297 or much higher on the webinar circuit. There are some exceptions where certain types of software or coaching will fare well at these price points (especially with tiered pricing, which I cover below), but the sacrifice in buyer leads can offset the lower front end profits of a $47 price point. Consider offering less on front at a lower price point ($47 or less), and offering a higher ticket OTO ($67 to $497). Tiered Pricing Magic... Tiered Pricing – By using tiered pricing you can justify your highest price and give it a really high perceived value. This will improve conversions and you'll see more people choose the most expensive option, while still letting the cheapies in (so maximizing leads). Here's an example: In the above example 66% of buyers went for the highest price. Also notice how the regular prices are crossed out – that's another very effective pricing trick to up conversions. Commissions, Higher Prices & Rapid Changes!The WSO market is increasingly competitive and generous commissions are almost always required for a successful launch. On the WSO forum I don't have enough data on prices above $97, but generally I expect such products would do better on the webinar circuit, or outside of WF. The marketplace is always changing, every launch is different, as is every vendor. I’m not saying these prices are ‘perfect’, only that I have experienced these prices working very well. But to keep moving closer to that perfect price point you just have to keep testing!