SENTRY PIGEON: 100% Commissions on $17 Product (and more!) |
- LAUNCHES: Thursday May 10th, 11am Eastern Time. LIVE NOW!
- Get your affiliate link:
- See the Incredible EPCs on the right!
A unique CRITICAL topic with UBER-MUNCHIE commissions!
- From the creator of the record breaking Hook Pigeon launch (the BIGGEST WSO ever!)
- A true damning story of a HUGE $22,000 loss, with a step by step solution for your buyers.
- A rare topic positioned with striking copy that will convert like crazy and deliver $2+ EPCs for affiliates
- A $3000 prize pool with many ways to win
- 100% commissions on $17 product, and 50% commissions on the OTO
Can I Deliver You Jaw-Dropping EPCs?

- Multiple WSO of the Day titles!
- Launches consistenly hit over $2 EPCs (I've hit over a $4 EPC average for affiliates during launch)
- Have paid over $300,000 to affiliates!
- Have sold 50,000+ units as an affiliate and vendor.
- I hold multiple WSO records, including the biggest selling WSO ever.
- See what CEO, Andy Fletcher said after promoting one of my products...
- Consistently got EPCs of $1 to $4! Typically affiliates that mail in first 48 hours get $2 EPCs or higher.
"Seriously, I've only ever run one affiliate offer IN MY LIFE that's made me more money"
Want more?…
Sentry Pigeon is a Rare Critical Topic
100% Commissions at $17 means incredible EPCs for you!
Your buyers will be shown the terrifying story of how I lost $22,000 when my business was nearly destroyed by a Google penalty, JUST when I started to get traction after years of struggling. I show how to avoid such disasters by securing your site, and present essential software in the OTO which will convert like crazy.
People are more motivated to protect what they’ve worked hard to achieve than they are about making more sales or getting more traffic. Very few products cater to this hugely important, but often overlooked aspect of Internet Marketing, so Sentry Pigeon stands as a leader on this topic.
- Presented with a frightening story of loss, the curiosity factor will be booming in your buyers brain, so much so, that even the lazy buyer will just want the story revealed to them. The critical packed security advice is just a bonus to them.
- This is a professionally written 90+ page manual, relevant to 2012, detailing the steps a person can easily take to prevent over 99% of all hacks, thus securing their hard work and giving ultimate peace of mind.
- Professional step by step videos are included in the product to walk people through these critical security fixes.
- I’ve been hacked myself and lost over $22,000 in the process, I worked with several developers at great expense to find the problem and ensure it never happened to me again… this information is the result.
- And since people spend thousands of dollars per year on insurance to protect their assets, their health, even their pets… You can be sure they’ll want to know how to protect their painstaking online work as well!
…And in 2012 hacks are on the Rise!
This type of product and story will get anyone keen about their business desperate to protect their hard work, and that's why the $17 price point will work very well, and I am giving 100% commissions to make sure you get INCREDIBLE EPCs. from this promotion
What you need to do next...
- Sign up to the JV Page to make sure you quality for prizes and insider JV info
- Check out the awesome JV prizes
- Plan your promotion campaign and get your presell emails and bonuses ready so you can crush it on launch day!
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